Dhul Hijjah · Hajj · Islamic Months

Hajj on Behalf of Others [Part 2]

Part 1 Hajj is a physical devotion that a servant is requested to fulfill in person, though a small part of it pertains to money, such as the offering of a sacrifice. However, the Prophet’s Sunnah clarified that proxy is permissible in Hajj, in case one is unable to perform it on his own due… Continue reading Hajj on Behalf of Others [Part 2]

Dhul Hijjah · Hajj · Islamic Months

Hajj on Behalf of Others [Part 1]

The Islamic Shari’ah is a straightforward and easy system of laws in which there are no complications. It calls for moderation in all matters. The Shari’ah brought to humanity what would perfectly maintain their affairs in this life and in the Hereafter without excess or negligence, and without extremism or fanaticism; rather, all its rulings are entirely characterized… Continue reading Hajj on Behalf of Others [Part 1]